Two days and counting! It is true, my hour of triumph and reward is drawing near after so many months of restraint and strong will. Well….maybe not really. In addition to my slacking on my posts the last two months (mea culpa, mea culpa), I also am guilty of seeing the light of temptation at the end of the tunnel, and it was all just too much to bear. But let’s not jump ahead too quickly. I shall start where I left off in mid-October….
As the time of allowed shopping was more and more within my reach, I began to plan and research what purchases, or investments as I now like to refer to them, I might make in January and early 2011. Not a good idea. November was somewhat torturous in this regard, but due to planning a fund-raising event in addition to my normally cramped schedule, I was able to stay strong. Thanksgiving came and went without a hitch. Then it was December and the holiday season began. A time of year when one is forced into stores in order to acquire gifts for friends and family. I have always spent way too much at this time of year as I inevitably picked up a few items for myself during these missions. Though this year’s shopping included no major guffaws, there was a lovely long beaded necklace and a fab vintage dress that I will inevitably wear to one of the four, yes four, weddings we will be attending in the coming year. In efforts of honesty, not justification, these illegal purchases totaled less than $100.
After December 25th, I concluded that my year had pretty much ended. Come on! It’s so close! I jumped on the “jeggings” bandwagon and picked up a cheap solid black pair that I have worn pretty much every other day since they were purchased. And then there was my self-issued reward for a year (ok, 11 months) of restraint. After much time spent thinking about exactly what I wanted, I am in possession of what I call my “big-girl-bag”. Oh the softness of the leather and the intoxicating smell. It is beautiful…simple, structured, classic.
Merci mon ami! A Bientot!